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DFI to Host Workshop on Levee and Coastal Rehabilitation

Continuing its series of workshops on the best practices for seepage cut-off projects, the DFI Seepage Control Working Group is hosting a 2.5-day Levee and Coastal Rehabilitation workshop at the Hyatt Regency Miami, in Miami, Florida on February 12-13, 2014.

Focusing on ground improvement and foundation strengthening for levee and coastal restoration, the workshop will include a mix of presentations and group discussions. The half day includes the second organizational meeting of representatives from a newly formed U.S.-based dam and levee collaborative group, followed by a brief training session on the EFFC-DFI Carbon Calculator.

Keynote speakers are Eric Halpin, special assistant to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Commander on Dam and Levee Safety, speaking on the new levee safety legislation, followed by Professor Gerald Galloway of the University of Maryland, whose lecture is titled, “Assessing and Communicating Risk about Levees and Coastal Protection – Where Transparency Counts.”

The SCWG was established in 2011 as a collaborative forum to discuss industry best practices for seepage cut-off projects with the goal of promoting mutual understanding of technologies, appropriate specification models, responsible contracting and procurement processes, and effective quality assurance/control. The first group workshop was held in December 2011 in Deerfield Beach, Fla. This collaboration will generate ultimate benefits to the public and to the entire industry while improving safety and quality and lowering construction risk and project cost.

Visit www.regonline.com/DFILCR for additional details.