• DFI Europe
  • DFI India
  • DFI Trust

Practice and Standards

Many DFI committees address topics related to the practice and standards for designing and constructing deep foundations, including codes, contracts, data management, sustainability and practitioner support

BIM and Digitalisation (DFI Europe)

Promoting awareness of challenges and opportunities in implementing and standardizing practical, compatible digital data and BIM (Building Information Modeling) processes in the deep foundations industry worldwide.

Codes and Standards

Monitoring codes and standards that affect the deep foundations industry, and in alliance with other geotechnical societies and structural engineering groups, proposing and defending code change proposals that improve practice.

Geotechnical Characterization for Foundations (DFI of India)

Improving and enhancing geotechnical investigation and reporting practices in India by raising awareness of the importance of complete and competent site investigation and implementing skills development programs.

Information Management Systems

Understanding and educating on trends, technologies, and specifications related to information management, including the digitalization, compilation, visualization, and analysis of data collected during construction.

Manufacturers, Suppliers and Service Providers (MSSP)

Providing opportunities that enhance networking and technical activities that increase value for DFI corporate members.

Risk and Contracts

Providing a forum for discussion of risk management and mitigation processes for all entities involved in geotechnical projects.

Seismic and Lateral Loads

This committee focuses on the unique issues of seismic design and construction as well as related concerns of other lateral load issues that apply in marine applications, ice and permafrost regions.

Subsurface Characterization for Deep Foundations

Collaborating and sharing technology to increase the awareness of the importance of complete and competent site investigation in deep foundations practices to promote informed design, improved constructability, and bid economy.


Promotes the UN Sustainability Development Goals that apply to deep foundations and excavation projects and helps DFI members incorporate and advance sustainable practices.

Testing and Evaluation

Advancing the use and understanding of instrumentation, monitoring and testing methods for the inspection, integrity and capacity analysis of deep foundation systems.

Women in Deep Foundations (WIDF)

Convening women and men as advocates who enhance professional development opportunities for women in the deep foundations industry, fostering greater success and interest of professional women through networking events, outreach, mentoring.


Several DFI technical committees focus their activities on the use of deep foundations for specific project applications. These committees explore and address the special considerations for design and execution of efficient, reliable, and safe project solutions for these foundation applications.

Technology and Methods

These committees discuss and debate design and construction challenges and research needs for specific deep foundations technologies to find the common ground that advances their understanding and use.

Get Involved

Technical Committees are the backbone of DFI providing the practical forum for finding common ground in the deep foundations industry. Committees provide opportunities for all members to identify and address issues that impact deep foundations practice. Committees convene engineers, contractors, manufacturer and equipment suppliers, owners, and researchers to promote the discussion that builds the mutual understanding and consensus required to broadly influence and improve codes and standards, and design, construction and quality control and assurance procedures.

Committees explore industry challenges and opportunities, develop guidance and specifications, conduct industry-driven research, and prepare event programs that educate and debate current topics. Join a committee to collaborate with global industry practitioners; stay updated on design, construction, and market trends; build your professional network of colleagues and supplier resources; and contribute to providing high value deep foundation solutions for society.