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DFI Forms New Manufacturers, Suppliers and Service Providers Technical Committee
Mark Bryant Named Chair

DFI announces the formation of a new technical committee focusing on manufacturers, suppliers and service providers in deep foundation design and construction; one of 18 DFI Technical Committees.

The goal of the Manufacturers, Suppliers and Service Providers Committee is to maximize the value of member benefits for DFI’s manufacturer, supplier and service provider members through increased networking and technical activities. Through enhanced opportunities, these DFI members and deep foundations industry innovators will add increasing value to the entire organization and the industry at large.

The first chair of the new DFI Manufacturer, Supplier and Service Provider Committee is Mark Bryant, E.I.T., product engineer for MacLean Power Systems Civil Division (MPS Civil). Bryant graduated from the University of Alabama in Birmingham with B.S. in civil and environmental engineering. Prior to joining MPS Civil, Bryant was a consulting engineer providing geotechnical and construction materials testing services for clients throughout the Southeast. Bryant is a DFI corporate member and serves on the Helical Piles and Tiebacks Committee. Herb Engler, of Penn State Fabricators, is the committee vice chair, and Dan MacLean, of Con-Tech Systems Ltd., is the secretary.

It is the role of DFI Technical Committees is to focus on the unique issues of major methods and technologies within deep foundations and excavation, and to keep DFI members and the industry up to date with the state of practice through publications, guidance documents, peer-review of papers, educational events and committee reports in Deep Foundations magazine.