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DFI Forms New Women in Deep Foundations Technical Committee
Helen Robinson New Chair

DFI announces the formation of a new technical committee focusing on retaining professional women in the deep foundations industry. This brings the total number of DFI Technical Committees to 18.

The Women in Deep Foundations Committee is comprised of women and men who are advocates for retaining women in the deep foundations industry. The goal of the committee is to foster greater success and interest of professional women in the industry by promoting networking events, endorsing outreach and building mentoring relationships.

The inaugural chair of the Women in Deep Foundations Committee is Helen Robinson, P.E., a senior engineer in the geostructural group of Schnabel Engineering and the executive editor of DFI’s Deep Foundations magazine. Robinson has over 12 years of experience in design and construction of geotechnical engineering elements and deep foundation technologies. She received her B.S. and M.S. degrees in civil engineering from Penn State University, and her projects have included stability analyses and design of embankments and rock slopes, earth retaining structures, deep foundations for transportation, commercial and residential buildings, and underpinning of existing structures. Robinson has conducted an extensive study on chemical grouts used for soil stabilization and permeation as well as lateral loading analyses for buckling of micropiles. She recently co-authored the new FHWA manual for soil nail wall design (GEC7). The committee vice chair is Marina Li, P.Eng., of Isherwood Associates. Johanna Simon, P.E., of Schnabel Engineering serves as secretary.

The committee is supported by the DFI Educational Trust Women in Deep Foundations Fund, which is offering a professional development grant to a deserving woman in the industry to attend the 40th Annual Conference in Oakland, CA. Visit www.dfitrust.org and select the Programs/DFI Women in Deep Foundations Committee Professional Development Grant. Applications are due July 15.

DFI is also seeking corporate and individual sponsors to make tax-deductible contributions to the Women in Deep Foundations Fund to support the cause of retaining women in the deep foundations industry and future efforts that support women in our industry. Visit www.dfitrust.org, select Donate, and then select Women in Deep Foundation Fund from the “Donate To” drop down list.