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DFI Announces the 11th John Mitchell Lecture
to Be Presented at the DFI-EFFC International Conference on Deep Foundations & Ground Improvement in Rome

Deep Foundations Institute (DFI) announces that Michele Jamiolkowski, emeritus professor of civil engineering at the Technical University of Torino in Italy, will present the 11th John Mitchell Lecture.  He will speak at the DFI-EFFC International Conference on Deep Foundations and Ground Improvement being held June 5-8, 2018, at Sapienza University in Rome, Italy. His presentation, “Geophysics for Geotechnical Design,” discusses Jamiolkowski’s experiences employing in-hole geophysical tests in the design and construction at Zelazny Most, one of the world’s largest copper tailings disposal facilities, located in Poland. 

Professor Jamiolkowski is the founder and chairman of the Engineering Consultant Company, Studio Geotecnico Italiano, a foreign member of the Polish Academy of Science, a member of the Lagrangian Academy of Science in Torino, and an editor in chief of the International Journal Geomechanics and Geoengineering.  

He has served as a consultant or a committee member on several key projects including chair of the technical committee for Safeguard of Rome Monuments During Construction of the New Subway Line C Underpassing Historical Town Centre, and as a geotechnical consultant for both the Venice Defense System Against Water and the suspension bridge over Messina Straits. 

Professor Jamiolkowski has authored and co-authored more than 270 papers and articles, and has received numerous awards including the ASCE’s K. Terzaghi and R.B. Peck Awards. Along with Carlo Viggiani, he delivered DFI’s John Mitchell Lecture in 2000 in New York City on the Leaning Tower of Pisa. 

The John Mitchell Memorial Lecture was established in 1991 in honor of John Michael Mitchell, one of the earliest organizers of DFI International Conferences and a pioneering supporter of DFI’s role as a leader in the global industry. 

Contact: Theresa Engler, Executive Director, (973) 423-4030, tengler@dfi.org