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Conference Program and Schedule Available for DFI-EFFC International Conference on Deep Foundations and Ground Improvement: June 5-8, 2018, in Rome

The conference program and schedule is available for the 2018 DFI-EFFC International Conference on Deep Foundations and Ground Improvement at Sapienza University, June 5-8, 2018. The conference explores the challenges of upcoming urban infrastructure megaprojects and highlights modern technologies and techniques available to overcome these challenges.

The conference features a technical program providing opportunities to learn about the newest foundation techniques, advances and projects. Workshops, panel discussions and megaproject presentations are opportunities for attendees to contribute actively and constructively to address international technical, contractual, quality and safety challenges. Technical sessions include keynote lectures on deep foundations technologies, design and modeling, ground improvement, project information management systems, and geotechnical and contractual practices.

Highlights of the conference include the Tuesday, June 5 pre-conference day workshop on Safe Working Platforms, a panel discussion on Continuous Flight Auger and Drilled Displacement Piles and a panel discussion on Tremie Concrete for Deep Foundations. Day One, on Wednesday, June 6, features four Megaproject presentations by client representatives and the International Panel Discussion on Geotechnical, Contractual and Communication Risk. Day Two, Thursday, June 7, features the DFI John Mitchell Lecture presented by Prof. Michele Jamiolkowski on “Geophysics for Geotechnical Design” and a Young Professionals and Students Mentoring Forum.

 The event is also an opportunity for industry members worldwide to network and interact, sharing technical expertise in the session rooms and product/service information in the exhibit area where more than 30 companies are displaying their materials.

For those who are unable to attend in person, the International Panel Discussion on Risk plus the Young Professionals and Students Mentoring Forum are accessible via webinar at no cost.

The program for the conference and links for signing up to attend in person or via webinar are available on the conference website at www.dfi-effc2018.org.