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DFI 2019 Awards: Call for Entries

DFI announces a call for entries for its 2019 Awards, which showcase and celebrate the achievements and contributions of individuals, teams and companies in the deep foundations industry.

Deadline December 31, 2018, for the 2019-2020 DFI Traveling Lecturer nominations. The DFI Traveling Lecturer is a prominent industry expert selected annually to travel and present a series of lectures to university students, professional groups and industry associations.

Deadline February 1, 2019, for the Ben C. Gerwick Award for Innovation in Design and Construction of Marine Foundations nominations. The 2019 Gerwick Award is being presented at DFI’s SuperPile ‘19 in Seattle, Wash., May 1-3, 2019.

Deadline February 1, 2019, for the DFI Legends Awards nominations. The Legends Awards honor three practitioners — an engineer, contractor and manufacturer/supplier — that have made significant contributions and advancements to the research, design, construction, manufacturing and use of deep foundations. These awards, which are presented every four years, will be a highlight of DFI’s 44th Annual Conference on Deep Foundations in Chicago, October 15-18, 2019.

Deadline April 15, 2019, for the 2019 Outstanding Project Award, Distinguished Service Award and C. William Bermingham Innovation Award submissions. The awards are being presented at DFI’s 44th Annual Conference on Deep Foundations in Chicago, October 24-27, 2019.

The Outstanding Project Award (OPA) recognizes the superior work of DFI members. Each year, a project is chosen from several geotechnical projects submitted for consideration by DFI members.

The Distinguished Service Award (DSA) recognizes individuals who have made exceptionally valuable contributions to the advancement of the deep foundations industry.

William Bermingham Innovation Award encourages and recognizes innovative contributions to deep foundations technology. The award pays tribute to the innovative spirit of Bill Bermingham, DFI past president, and his contributions to DFI and the deep foundations industry.

Information and nomination forms are available at archive.dfi.org/awardslectures.asp.