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DFI Announces New Technical Committee Chairs

Deep Foundations Institute (DFI) announces new chairs for two of its 28 Technical Committees: Sustainability Committee and Testing & Evaluation Committee. 

Gerald Verbeek, of Verbeek Management Systems (VMS) and Allnamics Pile Testing Experts, has taken the helm of DFI’s Sustainability Committee. He was recently the chair of the Testing & Evaluation Committee. 

Verbeek is very active in promoting soil and foundation testing philosophies and equipment. He recently spearheaded DFI’s very successful ITS (increased testing saves) Money webinar series. He is also active in various organizations beyond DFI, including TRB (as a member of AKG20 and AKG70); PDCA (where he serves on the Technical and the Education Committees); and ASTM (where he is a member of D18, the committee on soil and rock, and is the chair of D18.01, the committee for surface and subsurface characterization). He received his bachelor’s degree in civil engineering from Delft University of Technology and his master’s in structural engineering there as well. 

Anna Sellountou, Ph.D., P.E., of Pile Dynamics (PDI), is the new chair of DFI’s Testing & Evaluation Committee, succeeding Verbeek. 

Sellountou began her career at Fugro and joined PDI in 2012. Since November 2016, she has been in charge of business development and technical operations in Europe, the Middle East and Africa in collaboration with local PDI representatives. She serves on various committees in DFI, ACI, PDCA, and ASTM, where she is highly involved with specifications and codes revision activities. She received her civil engineering degree from the National Technical University of Athens, and her Ph.D. from University of Houston, under the supervision of Professor M.W. O’Neill, one of the world’s leading experts in deep foundations.

Contact: Theresa Engler, Executive Director, +1 (973) 423-4030, tengler@dfi.org