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Information Management Systems

The Information Management Systems Committee was convened in early 2018 in response to a trend in the industry towards digitalization of data and the increase in use of data management, analytics, business intelligence (BI) and geospatial tools including Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Building Information Management (BIM). This committee’s mandate is to collect and track trends in owner specifications, methods, and technologies that feature information management applications applied to deep foundation industry. Our activities include the authorship of White Papers, Guidance Documents and Specifications available to DFI members that assist in navigating these trends. The committee coordinates with the BIM/Digitalisation Committee (DFI Europe).

Committee Chair

Jamey Rosen
Geosyntec Consultants

Jamey Rosen is a Senior Principal Geologist and Data Scientist at Geosyntec Consultants. He has over 20 years of experience focused on the management, visualization, modeling and analysis of construction, geotechnical, and environmental data using database and Geographical Information Systems (GIS) technology. Jamey has led the design and implementation of Information Management Systems for deep foundations construction projects and has been the Data Manager of record on seepage barrier installations at the Wolf Creek, Center Hill, Bolivar, and Boone Dams among others.


Raising Awareness of the Value of IMS Technology

Presentations and technical papers on case histories and industry advancements.

In progress.

Data Management Guide Specifications

Guidance for IMS technologies used for deep foundations and ground improvement based on U.S. Army Corps of Engineers guidance.

Second edition released September 26, 2022.

Grouting IMS Specifications Module

Guide specifications for IMS technology applied to grouting for deep foundations and ground improvement.

Coming soon.


DFI IMS Committee White Paper – general introduction to the concepts and applications of PIMS to the geotechnical foundations industry

DFI IMS Committee Panel Discussion (2019) – DFI Annual Conference – foundation industry specialists introduce and describe PIMS technologies for foundation projects.

2018 DFI Magazine article describing the intent and scope of the DFI IMS Committee.