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DFI Educational Trust Announces Winners of the 2014 Stanley Merjan City College of New York Civil Engineering Student Scholarships

Winners of the 2014 Stanley Merjan City College of New York (CCNY) Civil Engineering Student Scholarships were announced at the DFI Educational Trust’s 9th Annual Gala Fundraising Dinner Thursday, November 6, 2014 at Liberty House in Jersey City, NJ.

Tal Azulay, originally from Israel, is in his final year at CCNY majoring in civil engineering. Azulay was attracted to studying in New York City because of its unique perspective in dealing with large-scale construction projects in densely populated areas. Following graduation, his goal is to obtain his P.E. license and work for a design firm.

Chen Chen, originally from a small town in southeast China, is in his fifth semester at CCNY, studying civil engineering. Chen has been an active participant in civil engineering clubs, and has done research for Professor Yazdanbakhsh on the recycle aggregate using recycled concrete in the new structures. Chen plans to pursue a graduate degree while simultaneously working in the civil engineering industry.

Jonathan Rosen is a senior majoring in civil engineering at CCNY, and is considering graduate school. Rosen’s focus is in design and management of large-scale, heavy construction projects in terms of sustainability, architecture and public infrastructure. While at CCNY, Rosen has been an active member of the civil engineering community. He’s also conducted research and been published as coauthor in a journal paper titled, “Flexural Strength of Reinforced Concrete Beams Incorporating Coarse Recycled Concrete Aggregate.”

Minhui Weng is in her third year of studies in CCNY’s civil engineering department. Weng is a member of the Steel Bridge Club and also volunteers to do research on concrete with professors. After graduation, Wang plans to get her master’s degree. As a long-term goal, she plans to return to her hometown with the professional degrees and experience to redesign roadways.