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Testing and Evaluation

Advancing the use and understanding of instrumentation, monitoring, and testing methods for the inspection, integrity, and capacity analysis of deep foundation systems.

Committee Chair

Ryan Allin
Pile Dynamics, Inc.

Ryan Allin is currently responsible for all PDI’s educational programs for foundation testing professionals. In that capacity he has lectured on numerous seminars, webinars and workshops on foundation testing and has co-authored papers on the subject. In addition to being an active member of DFI, Allin is a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) and Pile Driving Contractors Association (PDCA), and a registered professional engineer in Ohio and several other states.

Upcoming Events

  • Monthly Committee Meetings held last Wednesday of each month at 11:00 AM Eastern


CSL Task Force

Reviewing existing cross hole sonic logging rating criteria and proposing improvements for potential future incorporation in codes and specifications.

Foundation Testing Method Videos

Introductory videos on foundation testing methods, including set up, data collection, 

Instrumentation and Monitoring

Developing short course on instrumentation based on foundation application (tunneling, urban excavations, dams and levees, driven piles).

In progress.

Static Load Testing Task Force

Developing guidance on performing effective tests that provide high quality data. In progress.

Task Force:

  • Lead: Noah Miner
  • Greg Canivan
  • David Graham
  • Simon Gudina
  • Van Komurka
  • Jordan Nelson
  • Robert Simpson
  • Jon Sinnreich
  • David Tara
  • Gerald Verbeek

High Strain Dynamic Testing Task Force

Developing short course for engineers and contractors on the use and interpretation of HSDT for foundations.

Task force:

  • Lead: David Tara
  • Ryan Allin
  • Marcel Bielefeld
  • Larry Jones
  • Thai Nguyen
  • Gerald Verbeek
  • Ben White

ITS Money

Increased Testing Saves Money – webinar series demonstrating how foundation testing can provide data that optimizes foundation designs and construction procedures, thereby SAVING MONEY while increasing the quality of the constructed foundation.

Webinar Recordings & Info Sheets

View past ITS Money webinars and download info sheets where available. The webinars are informative, and the sheets are useful as handouts to colleagues and clients on how increased testing saves money.

Foundation Reuse Task Force

DFI’s Foundation Reuse Task Force is working to promote reuse by leveraging experience among DFI members and collaborating across pertinent committees. Task Force activities include gathering and summarizing project examples that highlight unique applications and significant benefits of reuse, preparing webinars in collaboration with the IT$MONEY series, and hosting a panel session at the DFI annual conference to foster a conversation regarding overcoming the risks associated with reuse.