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CANCELED – DFI Educational Trust 15th Annual Gala Fundraising Dinner

November 4, 2021 – Corona, New York

Terrace On The Park

Due to COVID-19 restrictions in New York City, we made the difficult decision to cancel this year’s Gala Fundraising Dinner. We will resume this annual event in November 2022. If you would like to make a donation in lieu of attending, click here.

The DFI Educational Trust’s Annual Gala Dinner brings together individuals and companies who are committed to supporting our efforts to help young students discover the rewards of a career in the deep foundations industry. Proceeds from this year’s event benefits the George J. Tamaro Manhattan College Civil Engineering Scholarship Fund, the Stanley Merjan CCNY Civil Engineering Scholarship Fund, and the DFI Educational Trust Fund.

The Trust is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization. The mission of the Trust is to support and encourage students in the fields of study related to the deep foundation industry by providing scholarships and opportunities to meet and work with deep foundations industry leaders.