DFI offers a variety of technical materials for a broad range of deep foundation professionals and students. Our members are dedicated to sharing their knowledge with colleagues and others in the field of deep foundation and underground construction through publications, events, and online media. Join the conversation and participate!
- Read the DFI Journal for practice-oriented research and case studies related to all systems designed and constructed for the support of heavy structures and excavations.
- Read Deep Foundations magazine for the latest innovations and industry news as well as featured technical articles.
- Visit DFI’s YouTube channel for instructional videos and presentation recordings on a variety of topics.
- Attend a conference, seminar or short course on the subjects that you can apply to your business or studies.
- Download over 125,000 documents from DFI and other organizations on mining, tunneling and deep foundation construction from OneMine.org (free to members).
- Purchase and download numerous technical papers and presentation files from conference and seminar proceedings, manuals, model specifications and inspector guides from our e-store.