DFI of Europe and Royal Institution of Engineers (KIVI) Pile Load Testing Seminar

October 21, 2021 – The Hague, the Netherlands
DFI Europe is organizing a one-day seminar on October 21, 2021, about static, rapid and dynamic pile load testing in collaboration with the Royal Institution of Engineers (KIVI) in the Netherlands. Contributions are from, among others, the Port of Rotterdam; Belgian Building Research Institute; Delft University of Technology; Professor Christian Moormann at the University of Stuttgart, Germany; and Melvin England, Ph.D., from Fugro Loadtest, U.K. This seminar is not only for pile testing specialists, but also for clients, contractors and regulatory authorities, with a critical perspective to be shared on the output and possible benefits of pile tests. We sincerely hope that we can hold this event in person, but are prepared to provide it as an online event with an unchanged program and timing. More information is at www.dfi-europe.org.