• DFI Europe
  • DFI India
  • DFI Trust


DFI provides many avenues for you to communicate information on you and your company’s design and construction knowledge, lessons learned and successfully executed projects.  We continually seek state-of-the-art and state-of-the practice technical content for dissemination through our events and publications.

Deep Foundations Magazine

Deep Foundations magazine is provided to all members and viewable online to the public.  It contains 4-5 technical articles in each issue, typically case histories on projects where practical know-how overcame challenging soil conditions as well as editorials on current and relevant industry topics.  Your submissions are welcome.

DFI Journal

DFI Journal, published twice a year, is an international peer-reviewed publication that supports authors whose research and practice covers a broad range of subjects on deep foundation engineering and construction.  Of particular interest are papers that translate research into practice.

Annual and Specialty Conferences

Annual and Specialty Conferences are offerings DFI is well-known for, not only due to the networking opportunities afforded attendees and exhibitors, but also for the useful information provided in the session rooms, supported by the technical papers in the proceedings.  Papers are peer-reviewed and published in advance of each conference to enhance the question-and-answer segments at the conferences plus provide a body of knowledge for years to come.